• Price list

    This price list is only indicative, it can give a general idea of the final price to the customer; prices can substain small variations because of the ingredients and of the difficult of the elaboration.

      • Mix of starters (4 or 5 courses)
      • € 23,00
      • Main course (Pasta/Rice dishes)
      • € 10,00
      • Second course with side dish (Meat and fish dishes)
      • € 11,00
      • Side dishes or great salad
      • € 9,00
      • Piedmontese typical Fried mix
      • € 22,00
      • Dessert
      • € 4,00
      • Main (rice/pasta dishes) and second (meat/fish dishes) course with side dish
      • € 16,00
      • One starter and main course
      • € 18,00
      • Two/Three starters and main course
      • € 22,00
      • Mix of starters and main course (Pasta/rice dish)
      • € 27,00
      • One starter and meat/fish dish
      • € 20,00
      • Two/Three starters and meat/fish dish
      • € 23,00
      • Mix of starters and second course (meat/fish dishes)
      • € 27,00
      • One starter and Piedmontese fried mix
      • € 25,00
      • Two/Three starters and Piedmontese fried mix
      • € 27,00
      • Mix of starters and Piedmontese Fried mix
      • € 30,00
      • One starter, main and second course with side dishes
      • € 25,00
      • Two/Three starters, main and second course with side dishes
      • € 30,00
      • Mix of starters, main and second course with side dishes
      • € 33,00
      • One starter, main course and Piedmontese Fried mix
      • € 30,00
      • Two/Three starters, main course and Piedmontese Fried mix
      • € 33,00
      • Mix of appetizers, main course and Piedmontese Fried mix
      • € 35,00

    The price listed always include drink just like household red wine and mineral water, cover charge and cofee are included too.