• Our rooms


    Our locale was born in 1969 mainly as a cafe and hangout for card game, subsequently we offered a simple bistrot service. During the years customers started to like our kind of food service, so the cafe area has been reduced and it's evening function of hangout place has slowly vanished.

    During the years italian's habits have obviously changed; many of them have made of the breakfast a proper daily ritual. So, little by little, in our small cafe, we organized ourself to offer a good coffee service. In the early hours in the morning, we open a 7:00, a lot of nearby people stops here for a cappuccino or a coffee along with our choice of croissant; other than that you can also taste one of our pastries, like our traditional cakes or maize biscuits. If you pass by, please stop here even only for a short breakm you'll be astonished from our cappuccino.