• Val Cerrina

    a rainy afternoon on the way to "Blengi"

    sunset of April from Cantavenna

    the view towards Solonghello from Cascina Sabarona

    from the "Sacred Mount of Crea" towards Serralunga

    one of the chapels of the "Sacred Mountain"

    sunset seen from Gabiano Monferrato

    a glimpse of the "big river" near Pontestura

    along the "Path Tribecco"

    a day that ends in Solonghello

    cereals Monferrato

    We cannot pretend that customers come from Turin, Milan, Varese or wherever to come here, eat and then go straight home; our zone, wild and marvellous,
    is a great place to be deeply explored: there's the need to give a motive for customers to come again
    to visit us and we are sure that a little bit of promotion of the territory wouldn't be bad, not only for us, but for every local companies.
    A lot of different open air activities are available, the only problem is that there aren't a lot of turistic and naturalistic guides, and there are few known paths of the territory, and sometimes they cannot be followed.
    To understand our beautiful valley it's almost everytime mandatory to hear from a local resident that practises your own discipline, someone who knows as himself the network of paths and roads that clamber up the monferrato hills.

    Well, if you want to get in touch with our beautiful Val Cerrina you've found the right people:
    being the owners of Cerrina cafe and knowing a lot of local people it won't be difficult for us to get you in touch with a “Tifolau” (truffle searched) to spend a morning in the woods searching for truffles, or with a cyclist
    to go for a ride, on road or with mountain bike, or even with a young that practice enduro bike
    and will accompany you in the most peculiar canals and stone quarries: pure adrenaline.